Parallel reaction example

Parallel reaction example

admin 2022

concurrent chemical reactions with at least one common reactant. Examples of parallel reactions are (1)nitration of phenol with the formation of ortho-, meta-, and Pra-nitrophenol (identical reactants) and (2) nitration of a benzene and toluene mixture (nitric acid is the common reactant). …

What is a parallel reaction?

1) Parallel or competing reactions When a reactant gives two product (desired, and undesired) simultaneously with different rate constant then this is called a parallel reaction.

What are consecutive reaction give an example?

-Some of the examples of consecutive reactions are polymerisation, thermal cracking and chlorination of hydrocarbons. From above equations we know that chlorination of methane occurs in 4 steps. Methane when reacted with chlorine in the presence of light we get chloromethane.

What are 10 reaction examples?

Common Chemical Changes

  • The rusting of iron.
  • Combustion (burning) of wood.
  • The metabolism of food in the body.
  • Mixing an acid and a base, such as hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
  • Cooking an egg.
  • Digesting sugar with the amylase in saliva.
  • Mixing baking soda and vinegar to produce carbon dioxide gas.

What are the examples of complex reaction?

Hint: In a complex chemical reaction, the reactant molecules (intermediates) pass through different transition states due to their bond breaking and energy cleavage….Complete step by step answer:

Complex reactionelementary reaction
Examples are Reaction between H2 AND Br2Examples are cis-trans isomerization

What is Autocatalysis give example?

In autocatalysis, the reaction is catalyzed by one of its products and that catalyst is called Autocatalyst. One of the simplest examples of this is in the oxidation of a solution of oxalic acid by an acidified solution of potassium manganate (VII) (potassium permanganate). The reaction is very slow at room temperature.

What is simultaneous reaction?

Definition of simultaneous reaction : any of two or more chemical reactions occurring at the same time in the same system — compare side reaction.

Which of the following is an example of simultaneous reaction?

For example, for the manufacture of ammonia, methane is burnt in air to produce a mixture of hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide. This mixture is treated with the water gas shift reaction to produce more hydrogen and carbon dioxide.